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Showing posts from April, 2018

Create Weather Apps using ReactJS and Weather API

Well, after having played around with React JS for a while, I decided to write this post. I’m not going to go into details of how to install react because I’m sure that I’m not the first one to cover it but I’ve just put out some commands I used to make the app/component. Using terminal I made a directory for the app and created a new React app with the following command. arun@computer:smallAps$ create-react-app small-apps creating a react-js application And now the terminal says that I have indeed a ReactJS application that works. list of commands that just makes life fantastic I use VS Code as my editor because I’m comfortable using it. Specific to React JS, I use an extension called ‘ES7 react/redux/react-native snippets’ by dsznajder ES7 React JS Snippet by dsznajder Ok now that’s done let’s  cd  into the small-apps directory and get started. Using code I opened the directory into it and went straight to the src folder and into the App.jsx file...